When you're out driving do you ever notice peoples bumper stickers? Well - the other day I was out driving around and I saw this bumper sticker that said "You can't rid the world of sorrows but you can choose to live in joy." For some reason that phrase got me thinking how true it was. There are all sorts of bad things that happen each day for no reason, parents loose children, people die, get sick, someone goes hungry...and the list goes on and on with out end. With so many "sorrows" in this world wheres the happiness??
In my opinion you have to CHOOSE to be happy. I dont think happiness just comes your way automatically each day. I think you have to look for the joy in life. You have to pick out the little miracles that happen each day and decide for yourself that those things are miracles and then choose to be happy.
Its easy to sit around and think...I dont have this so I'm not happy...or This happened to me today that made angry. Its a lot easier to be miserable and a lot harder to be happy.
As Gandhi would say - "Be the Change that you want to see in the world."
Go and choose to be HAPPY!
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